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COVID-19 PPE Products


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COVID-19 Safety ppe Products

Essential Workwear have been providing BSIF approved PPE for many years. We can supply you with the necessary and certified coronavirus safety products to protect your workforce from the current COVID-19 pandemic.

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disposable clothing

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disposable GLOVES

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Coronavirus safety products for businesses

Our range of COVID-19 safety products and PPE is tailored to businesses returning to work during these unprecedented times.

It is essential that employers implement additional measures to ensure that employees and customers are safe and protected in the workplace. Our selection of face masks, clothing, hand sanitisers and more will help you do so.

If you’re not sure which safety products you need, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and we will be happy to help.

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Printed Face Masks

High quality cotton face masks, professionally printed with your company logo.

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As we all adjust to the new normal, our custom coronavirus face masks are perfect for use both in and out of the workplace to keep your employees safe and protected.

Our cotton face masks are printed with a water-based transfer print, resulting in a luxurious final product, flawlessly personalised with your logo to keep it on-brand.

[button text=”SHOP PRINTED FACE MASKS” style=”link” size=”large” padding=”0px 153px 0px 0px” icon=”icon-angle-right” link=””]



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Working with and supporting the NHS

Essential Workwear are proud to be sourcing and supplying the NHS with PPE for frontline workers during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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We have been able to supply thousands of products to the NHS across:

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Respiratory Protection

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Eye Protection

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Hand Protection

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Disposable Suits









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BSIF Registered Safety Supplier

Essential Workwear are registered safety suppliers with the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF).

We have taken the approach to only work with recognised manufacturers to ensure the products we supply are fit for purpose and conform to all required safety standards and certifications.

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Most Popular COVID-19 Safety PPE Products

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Type IIR Medical Surgical Face Masks – Box of 50 – £32.50

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500 ml Hand Sanitiser – £5.95 ex VAT

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Portwest FFP2 Respirator – £15.25

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Printed Cotton Face Mask – £5.25 ex VAT

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